
Custom Concepts Tattoo

by Tattoo Studio

Since 1999
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Fondo representativo de la sección Acerca de nosotros
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Conoce los artistas detras de cada obra

Jane Smith

Jane Smith

Jane Smith is a painter and sculptor based in Los Angeles. Her work is inspired by nature and the human form. She has exhibited her work in galleries around the world and has won several awards for her work.

Sus trabajos
John Doe

John Doe

John Doe is a self-taught artist based in New York City. His work is inspired by the city and its people. He has been featured in several galleries and has won numerous awards for his work.

Sus trabajos
Carl Johnson

Carl Johnson

Carl Johnson is a mixed-media artist based in Chicago. His work is inspired by the city and its people. He has exhibited her work in several galleries and has won numerous awards for her work.

Sus trabajos


Deer skull with ravens tattoo design
Pinky promise tattoo with text
Sun and moon mystical tattoo
Skull butterfly hand tattoo
Large moth chest tattoo
Dark figure character tattoo